- 產品分類
- 操作書
- 主題-動植物
- 主題-自然科學
- 主題-人物傳記
- 主題-天氣季節
- 主題-交通工具
- 主題-生活自理
- 主題-床邊故事
- 主題-世界文化
- 主題-品格教育
- 主題-幽默想像
- 主題- 食物/健康
- 主題-恐龍
- 主題-基礎認知
- 主題-情緒管理
- 主題-尋找遊戲
- 主題-童話故事
- 主題-溫馨情誼
- 主題-節慶 幼兒-復活節 幼兒-母親節 幼兒-父親節 幼兒-萬聖節 幼兒-感恩節 幼兒-聖誕節
- 主題-運動
- 主題-歌唱童謠
- 主題-環境保護
- 主題-職業
- 主題-藝術(ART)
- 作家-Karen Katz
- 作家-Leslie Patricelli
- 主題- 服飾
- 作家-Eric Carle
- 作家-Caroline Jayne Church
- 作家-Leo Lionni
- 作家-Sandra Boynton
- 其他-精選幼兒
- 觸摸書
- 聲音書
- 磁鐵書
- 拼圖書
- 人物專區
- 手偶書
- 圖卡
- 布書
- 盒裝書
- Ks Kids
- 書號:AFBR0185
- Lexile:
- 作者: Brian Biggs
- 繪者: Brian Biggs
- 適合年齡:3~6歲
- 規格:16x19cm/硬頁/彩色/22頁
- 出版日期: 2017年
- ISBN:9781419723230
- 定價:$278
- 售價:$209
- 加入追蹤清單
- 分享
The Tinyville Town series, from New York Times bestselling author and illustrator Brian Biggs, launched in 2016 with three books: the world-establishing picture book Tinyville Town Gets to Work!, and two board books, I'm a Veterinarian and I'm a Firefighter. In the next board book in the series, I'm a Policie Officer, takes us through a day in the life of Tinyville Town's favourite police officer! The Tinyville Town series is set in a cozy community where the people are kind, everyone says hello when they re walking down the street, the bus is always on time, and all the townsfolk do their part to keep things running smoothly. Everyone has a job to do in Tinyville Town. With a nod to the busy world of Richard Scarry and the neighborhood feel of Sesame Street, this new series will become a favourite read for preschoolers and is ideal for story time and class discussions about occupations and community helpers. Tinyville Town is a growing, thriving city full of interesting people. They can't wait to you around!