• 書號:AFLB0950
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Todd Parr
  • 繪者: Todd Parr
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:15×15cm/硬頁/彩色/20頁
  • 出版日期: 2015年
  • ISBN:9780316257848
  • 定價:$280
  • 售價:$210

有的爸爸在外地工作、有的爸爸在家工作、有的爸爸身材壯碩、有的爸爸會陪孩子一起玩,小朋友,而你們的爸爸又是什麼樣子呢? 但是爸爸永遠是最愛我們的爸爸~

作者 Todd Parr的繪本相當特別,他擅用簡單的線條、飽滿單純的色彩和簡單句型,來呈現故事與其想表達的內容,適合做為小小孩的閱讀練習。

The Daddy Book celebrates all different kinds of dads and highlights the many reasons they are so special. Whether your dad walks you to school or walks you to the bus, whether he wears suits or two different socks, whether he has a lot of hair or a little, Todd Parr assures readers that no matter what kind of daddy you have, every father is special in his own unique way.

With his trademark bold, bright colors and silly scenes, kids will learn that while no two dads are exactly alike, "all daddies love to hug and kiss you", and that is what is so special about them! Perfect for young children just beginning to read, The Daddy Book is designed to encourage early literacy, enhance emotional development, celebrate multiculturalism, promote character growth, and strengthen family relationships.