• 書號:AFBN0527
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Rob Ramsden
  • 繪者: Rob Ramsden
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:24x24cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
  • 出版社:BOUNCE
  • 出版日期: 2020年
  • ISBN:9781912650347
  • 定價:$439
  • 售價:$347

A little boy is alarmed when he discovers a bee in a box. At first he is frightened and reacts aggressively, but gradually he realises that the bee won't harm him and that they can be friends.

This book is deceptively simple with the repeatability factor of the best Ruth Brown and Eric Carle, and the short and rhythmic text is perfect to learn by heart and recite as a poem. It is a timely reminder of the importance of bees in our ecosystem.

Part of the IN THE GARDEN series, and longlisted for the Klaus Flugge Award.