• 書號:AFPF1207
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Malala Yousafzai
  • 繪者: Kerascoët
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:7~12歲
  • 規格:23.5x26cm/平裝/彩色/48頁
  • 出版社:PENGUIN UK
  • 出版日期:
  • ISBN:9780241322574
  • 定價:$494
  • 售價:$390



As a child in Pakistan, Malala made a wish for a magic pencil that she could use to redraw reality. She would use it for good; to give gifts to her family, to erase the smell from the rubbish dump near her house. (And to sleep an extra hour in the morning.)

As she grew older, Malala wished for bigger and bigger things. She saw a world that needed fixing. And even if she never found a magic pencil, Malala realized that she could still work hard every day to make her wishes come true.

This beautifully illustrated picture book tells Malala's story, in her own words, for a younger audience and shows them the worldview that allowed her to hold on to hope and to make her voice heard even in the most difficult of times.


馬拉拉(Malala  Yousafzai)從小就幻想想要一隻魔法筆,幫她實現各種夢想。長大後,馬拉拉透過她的文字,勇敢地替家鄉的女孩們發聲,也實現她想要改變現實的夢想。17歲得到世界和平諾貝爾獎的馬拉拉在繪本最後說了一句 “一個小孩、一位老師、一本書和一隻筆,可以改變世界” 不管我們多麼渺小,改變世界,就由你我開始吧!

By Tanya 彈雅說故事