• THE PINK HAT(性平教育)/性別平等
  • 書號:AFRH4116
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Andrew Joyner
  • 繪者:
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:23x25cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
  • 出版日期: 2019年
  • ISBN:9780593118962
  • 定價:$280
  • 售價:$221

讓我們跟著粉紅帽進行一場冒險吧! 這頂粉紅帽,一會兒飛進老太太家當作溫暖的腳墊、一會兒被貓咪刁走拿去玩、接著變成娃娃的包巾,直到最後落入小女孩手中,女孩將它洗淨,戴上它去參加一場全都是戴著粉紅帽子的遊行。作者運用巧妙易懂的敘述,向" 2017 Women's March " 致敬,黑白底色更能襯出粉紅色的重要,讓孩子瞭解人人皆享有平等的權利,進入性別平權的議題。


Celebrate girl power with this charming and empowering picture book about a pink hat and the budding feminist who finds it.

"This simple and cheerful tale suggests, with not an ounce of preachiness, values of care and comfort and the support women have for each other across generations." --The Washington Post

Here is a clever story that follows the journey of a pink hat that is swiped out of a knitting basket by a pesky kitten, blown into a tree by a strong wind, and used as a cozy blanket for a new baby, then finally makes its way onto the head of a young girl marching for women's equality.

Inspired by the 5 million people (many of them children) in 82 countries who participated in the 2017 Women's March, Andrew Joyner has given us a book that celebrates girls and women and equal rights for all!

With themes of empathy, equality, and solidarity, The Pink Hat is a timeless and timely story that will empower readers and promote strength in the diverse and active feminist community.