• 書號:AFSC5541
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Bob Shea
  • 繪者: Bob Shea
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:20.5×25cm/平裝/彩色/40頁
  • 出版日期: 2015年
  • ISBN:9780545852883
  • 定價:$243
  • 售價:$192

 Roar! 飢腸轆轆的小怪獸要大開吃戒了,當然不能放過可愛白嫩的小兔兔們,但鬼靈精怪的兔寶寶們也不是省油的燈,想出了各式各樣鬼點子和怪獸打交道 - 用新鮮出爐的杯子蛋糕餵食怪獸、邀約怪獸一同游泳轉移他的注意力、帶怪獸搭乘嘉年華雲霄飛車讓他暈頭炫目…。“Don’t play with your food” 慢半拍的怪獸最後終於發現自己從頭到尾都被兔寶寶們耍得團團轉,但也恍然大悟原來早就不知不覺跟兔寶寶們發展了真摯的友誼,這時候怪獸寶寶才終於明白兔寶寶們才不是盤中餐,他們可是一輩子的好朋友呢!

  擅長以恐龍為創作主題且融入獨特幽默元素的繪本大師Bob Shea 在<don’t play with your food>中運用大膽繽紛的色彩、鮮明對比的色塊和不按牌理出牌的劇情設計,讓家長與小朋友們能像乘坐雲霄飛車般地投入在故事裡,隨著故事的幽默無俚頭一同天馬行空 - 看著一次又一次逃過怪獸盤中餐命運的兔寶寶們如何運用聰明才智化險為夷以及顛覆兇猛恐龍刻板印象的恐龍寶寶如何在一次又一次的玩耍中發現自己溫馴的一面,跟兔寶寶成為最好的朋友。


Rah! Buddy's a monster, and he's hungry! Time for all cute little bunnies to hop into his mouth. "Oh no!" they say. "There are cupcakes in the oven!" They offer Buddy some, and he becomes too full to eat the bunnies. He'll have to come back tomorrow. And so it goes between Buddy and the bunnies--they take him swimming, after which he is too tired to eat; they take him on all the rides at a carnival, after which he is too dizzy to eat; they even form a Buddy fan club . . . and who could eat their own fan club? Eventually Buddy realizes that the bunnies have tricked him. The bunnies aren't food at all--they are friends!

The bunnies' seemingly naive offers of friendship are a charming--and clever--mode of survival in this sweet and silly story about a not-at-all-scary monster.(for school only)