• DOCTOR DE SOTO [汪培珽英文書單]
  • 書號:AFSG0201
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: William Steig
  • 繪者: William Steig
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:21.5×25cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
  • 出版社:HENRY HOLT
  • 出版日期: 2010年
  • ISBN:9780312611897
  • 定價:$315
  • 售價:$249

Doctor De Soto是小鎮上最著名的老鼠牙醫,他幫助鎮上大大小小的動物們解決所有與牙齒有關的問題,但並不是所有的動物他都樂於見診,他的招牌上明白地寫著:「不歡迎任何貓類和危險動物光臨。」有一天,一隻痛苦的狐狸來到Dr. De Soto的診所,央求他醫治他的蛀牙。這個宅心仁厚的鼠醫師只好破例為他醫治了。但聰明的Dr. De Soto卻發現,這隻狡猾的狐狸不止是想看牙而已,因為他在被注射麻醉針後,意識不清地透露出想吃掉這位鼠醫師的心跡。機智的Dr. De Soto又該如何脫困呢?

Doctor De Soto is a well-respected mouse-dentist who runs a successful practice with his wife (and able assistant) Mrs. De Soto. The De Sotos are friendly and professional toward all their patients, from chipmunks to donkeys to cows, the exception being "cats and other dangerous animals," as stated clearly on the sign outside the office. But the De Sotos are tender-hearted rodents, so when a miserable fox shows up begging for treatment, they agree to have a look (perhaps against their better judgment). As it turns out, this fox, with "a rotten bicuspid and unusually bad breath," manages to behave himself while tiny Doctor De Soto is standing mid-molar inside his gaping jaws. When the wily fox returns the next day to get his replacement gold tooth, however, he has mouse-flavored snacks on his mind. Luckily, Doctor De Soto and his wife have anticipated such despicable canine intentions, and find a way to outfox the ungrateful fox - book review from Amazon.com -