• 書號:AFHM1438
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Allen Say
  • 繪者: Allen Say
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:7~12歲
  • 規格:24×27cm/平裝/彩色/29頁
  • 出版日期: 2009年
  • ISBN:9780547237473
  • 定價:$280
  • 售價:$210

Say explores familiar themes of cultural connection and disconnection. He focuses on his mother Masako, or May, as she prefers to be called, who, after graduating from high school in California, unwillingly moves with her parents to their native Japan. She is homesick for her native country and misses American food. She rebels against her parents, who force her to repeat high school so that she can learn "her own language"; the other students tease her for being "gaijin" or a foreigner. Masako leaves home and obtains a job in a department store in Osaka, a city that reminds her of her beloved San Francisco. Her knowledge of English quickly makes her a valued employee and brings her into contact with her future husband, Joseph, a Japanese man who was educated at an English boarding school in Shanghai. They decide that together they can make a life anywhere, and choose to remain in Japan. -book review Amazon.com-