• 書號:AFWA1952
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Chris Haughton
  • 繪者:
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:25x26cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
  • 出版社:WALKER
  • 出版日期: 2020年
  • ISBN:9781406392869
  • 定價:$439
  • 售價:$347

From the creator of A Bit Lost, Oh No, George!, Shh! We Have a Plan and Goodnight Everyone, comes a book about taking the time you need to overcome your fears.

In the rockpool above the sea, live two crabs: Big Crab and Little Crab. Today, they’re going for a dip in the sea. “This is going to be so great!” says Little Crab. But then Little Crab catches a first glimpse of the water...Oh. The waves! They're ENORMOUS. "Oh..." Will Little Crab be brave enough to go in?



大螃蟹帶著小螃蟹到海邊玩耍,原本興奮的小螃蟹在看到大海時,心生畏懼、遲遲不敢踏入海中;  一波波的浪不斷湧上,讓他更加擔心害怕。大螃蟹亦步亦趨地帶著小螃蟹,緩緩地牽引他跨出第一步,然而,當海水浸潤的那刻,小螃蟹感受到前所未有的欣喜與驚訝,那是種克服自我恐懼的成就感。因為跨越了內心的洪溝,小螃蟹才能真正地享受在海洋天堂裡。


總是對未知事物感到惶恐,而不敢輕易去嘗試嗎?希望 DON'T WORRY LITTLE CRAB的故事能激起您的鬥志,讓您超越內心恐懼,踏出勇敢的第一步,進而探索這無限可能的世界。