• 書號:AFRF319
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Mini Grey
  • 繪者: Mini Grey
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:25×25cm/平裝/彩色/24頁
  • 出版社:RED FOX
  • 出版日期: 2003年
  • ISBN:9780099432036
  • 定價:$439
  • 售價:$329

The Egg was young. It didn't know much. We tried to tell it,but of course it didn't listen. If only it had waited . . . The Egg loved the sky. It saw all the birds, insects, aeroplanes, balloons, helicopters, bats and clouds. It dreamed of being up there, flying with them all. So the Egg went to a very high place . . . and jumped . . . 這是關於追築夢想的故事. 很久很久以前.有一顆蛋很想飛行的蛋. 他常常望著天空,看著小鳥.飛機.昆蟲,想像飛翔在天空中的滋味. 這顆蛋還年輕,他並不知道關於飛行的知識. 他只知道自己必需到很高很高的地方. 有一天.他來到了一座高塔前......