• THE WOODS 寓言機智幽默英文繪本
  • 書號:AFFL0410
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Rob Hodgson
  • 繪者:
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:28x24cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
  • 出版日期: 2019年
  • ISBN:9781786032751
  • 定價:$384
  • 售價:$303

森林裡三種不同體型的狼想要獵捕小兔子們,牠們是否能成功? 到底又是誰獵捕了誰?




他們過河鑽地遍地仍尋覓不到兔子,Round & Tall Fox 一度想要作罷,喪氣的說著,我們不如獵個甜甜圈或是堅果來的簡單吧! 略有機智又短小精幹的Tiny Fox當然不肯,伳說,兔子之於美味才要堅持到最後呀! 延途又拔山涉水的,最終竟被大怪物嚇跑! 小朋友,你能想到嗎? 這巨型的大怪物,居然是由三隻小兔子疊起來裝扮而成,是不是非常聰明~ 所以不要用外表來判斷人,智慧且懂得思考才是生存的重要價值呀!


Three rabbits that are on a hunt .. for foxes. Stupid, hungry foxes.



Here are the woods. The woods are home to three foxes on a hunt for rabbits. Three foxes that don’t realise someone might be following them… From the author of The Cave, this is a fantastically funny cat-and-mouse (or fox-and-rabbit) story with a not-so-fluffy twist.

The foxes follow some helpful signs over the tallest trees, under the carrot fields and through the pumpkin patch, but there’s no sign of any rabbits. What on earth has happened to them? And why are there strange eyes following them from the trees?  

Children will love outwitting the foxes – who continually say, 'No rabbits here' – by spotting the rabbits in each colourful illustration.