- 產品分類
- 節慶繪本
- STEM教學--科學 Science 動物 植物 昆蟲 宇宙 身體 Magic School Bus Lets-Read-And-Find-Out Scholastic Question & Answer Serise Did You Know 天氣 季節-春天 季節-夏天 季節-秋天 其他 季節-冬天
- 自我認同 Respect Yourself
- 情緒管理 Feeling
- STEM教學--技術Technology
- 幽默 Humor
- 床邊故事 Bedtime
- 友誼 Friendship
- STEM教學--資訊教育
- STEM教學--工程Engineering
- STEM教學--數學Mathematics
- 想像力 Imagination
- 生活自理
- 童話故事 Fairy Tale
- 家庭 Family/溫馨情誼 Love
- 藝術
- 交通工具 Things That Go
- 上學去 Goes to School
- 職業 Community Helper
- 詩集 Poetry
- 人物傳記 Biography
- 基礎認知 字母 數字 顏色 形狀 相反詞 時間
- 童謠韻文
- 兩性教育
- 運動 Exercise
- 教學繪本 自然發音 句型練習 文法 數學
- 環境保護 Environment Protection
- 無字書 Wordless Book
- 食物/健康 Food/Health
- 世界文化
- 品格教育 生命教育 分享 禮儀 霸凌 包容
- 海洋 Ocean
- 服飾 Clothing
- 戲劇 Drama
- 音樂/樂器
- 兩性平權 Gender Equality
- 宗教
- Arthur
- Berenstain Bear
- Beginner
- Black Lagoon
- Charlie and Lola
- Clifford
- Curious George
- Dinofour
- Elephant and Piggy
- Elmer
- Fancy Nancy
- Five Little Monkeys
- Little Bear
- Franklin
- Froggy
- Little Critter
- Little Princess
- Lego
- Madeline
- Maisy
- Peter Rabbit
- Pete Cat
- Paddington
- Peanuts
- Peppa Pig
- Olivia
- Splat Cat
- Think About
- Tilly and Friends
- Wally
- Little Golden Book
- Peep Inside Series
- Winnie the Witch
- Llama
- Math Start LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
- Getting to Know The World's Greatest ..... Inventors & Scientists Artists
- Look Inside Series
- See Inside Series
- Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers
- 得獎繪本
- 創意遊戲書
- 精裝繪本
- 合輯
- 立體操作書
- 個人下單區
- 書號:AFAD0089
- Lexile:
- 作者: Rashmi Sirdeshpande
- 繪者: Ruchi Mhasane
- 適合年齡:3~6歲
- 規格:25×26cm/平裝/彩色/32頁
- 出版日期: 2023年
- ISBN:9781839131400
- 定價:$439
- 售價:$347
- 加入追蹤清單
- 分享
小男孩和爺爺一起住,在印度的這個小村莊裡,他們的房子充滿了各種畫筆顏料,爺爺也歡迎孩子們來跟他學畫,和小男孩一起玩耍。數年後,爺爺離逝,男孩傷心地再也拿不畫筆,實在是觸景傷情。 直到有天,小女孩來找他,希望男孩教她畫畫,就像當年爺爺教她媽媽一樣... 爺爺的手藝將因此傳承下去。親人雖然會離開我們身邊,但愛與回憶會永遠存在...。
Discover that bereavement can be a beginning, not an ending, in this beautiful story of one boy's grief when he loses his beloved grandfather.
Dadaji loves to teach others to paint, especially his grandson. But after Dadaji passes away, the boy can’t bear to use the favourite paintbrush his grandfather left for him. When a little girl knocks on the door, the boy discovers how many lives Dadaji touched with his art, and finds a way to continue his legacy.
The perfect book for children suffering a bereavement, with an uplifting and heartfelt focus on continuing a legacy for those who aren't around any more.
A School Library Journal Best Books of the Year book and longlisted for the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration!