  • Sam Lloyd

    Sam Lloyd畢業於布萊頓大學,是英國童書插畫家,最著名的作品有“Happy Day”、Woops-A-Daisy-World系列。2003年她的作品“Sad Dog”獲得Sainsbury’s Baby Book Award獎項。在“Mr Pusskins” 獲得Roald Dahl Funny Prize、Booktrust Pre-School Award兩個獎項後,Sam Lloyd的知名度大增,隨後她創作了一系列的手偶書,包括:“Calm Down”、“Boris and Hello Dudley”…等。除了畫畫和寫作外,她也熱衷於瑜珈、游泳、露營和戶外活動,她在世界各地旅行,和孩童一起做志工和畫壁畫,現在跟伴侶和兒子居住於英國布萊頓。

    As well as writing and illustrating books, Sam also enjoys yoga, swimming, camping and doing outdoorsy things. She has been all over the world, including travels to India and Australia. Sam also does a lot of voluntary work with children, painting murals. Sam lives in Brighton with her partner and young son.


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