小兔子理財書套組 @四書合售 $299 限量發售
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售價: 299元
EARN IT/消除貧窮 (小兔子學理財系列)
作者/ Cinders McLeod
In this delightful introduction to the simple concept of earning money, an exuberant little bunny learns that fame and fortune must be earned.
Bun wants to be rich and famous. She loves to sing and knows she’s meant for a career on stage. It should all be pretty easy—her mom can just drive her to the concert hall to perform! But her mom reminds her that most good things, like the garden they are growing, take time and work. At first, Bun isn’t terribly excited by the idea of singing lessons and practice, but as she does the math and daydreams about her future singing career, the more she starts to like the idea of earning her way to stardom—a feeling just as good as being rich and famous!
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售價: 249元
SPEND IT/消除貧窮 (小兔子學理財系列)
作者/ Cinders McLeod
A charming introduction to simple money concepts in which a bunny learns he can't buy everything he wants with his allowance!
Sonny gets three whole carrots a week for his allowance and wants to buy everything with it! But he soon discovers his money won't go that far, and his mom tells him he needs to make some choices. That doesn't sound like much fun to Sonny, especially when he learns that the bouncy castle he's been eyeing goes for ONE HUNDRED carrots. Ridiculous! But eventually, after a little math and a little more thinking, he has a blast discovering what's really important to him and worth spending his carrots on.
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售價: 249元
SAVE IT/消除貧窮 (小兔子學理財系列)
作者/ Cinders McLeod
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售價: 249元
GIVE IT/消除貧窮 (小兔子學理財系列)
作者/ Cinders McLeod
In this delightful introduction to simple money concepts, an enthusiastic young bunny discovers how good it feels to use his allowance to help others.
Chummy longs to be a superhero. He wants to save the world--or at least Bunnyland--from dragons, so spending his carrots on a superhero costume seems like a great plan! When his grandma reminds him that there aren't any dragons in Bunnyland, but that there are creatures that could use help, Chummy starts reconsidering the best way to spend his wad. This is the fourth book in the internationally acclaimed Moneybunny Books series that also includes Earn It!, Spend It!, and Save It!
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售價: 249元
作者/ Rosemary Wells
繪者/ Rosemary Wells
It's Grandma's birthday, and Ruby knows exactly what Grandma would love-a beautiful ballerina box. Max also knows what she'd love-a scary pair of ooey-gooey vampire teeth. Ruby has saved up a walletful of bills, but as unexpected mishap after mishap occurs, money starts running through the bunnies' fingers.... Will they have enough left for the perfect present? Wells' adorable story is also a fun and lively introduction to early math.
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售價: 249元
作者/ H. A. Rey
When George decides to save up for that special red train in the toy store, he doesn’t realize how long it will take—or how hard he’ll have to work for his money. But when the time finally arrives to take his very full piggy bank to the toy store—surprise!—George loses it. Can this day, and George’s hard-won earnings, be saved?
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售價: 166元
作者/ Stuart J. Murphy
繪者/ Lynne Cravath
Life-size coins and a cat named Chester will soon have readers confidently counting coins along with Jessie and her friends at the face-painting booth. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 6 to 8. It’s a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.
This is a Level 3 MathStart book, which is perfect for kids ages 6 and up. The MathStart series uses funny stories and colorful art to show kids that they use math every day, even outside of the classroom! Each book features an activity guide to have fun with the math concepts presented in the story.
Stuart J. Murphy travels all over the United States talking to thousands of kids. And you'll never believe what they talk about: MATH! Stuart shows kids that they use math every day—to share a pizza, spend their allowance, and even sort socks. Stuart writes funny stories about math—and if you read his books, you'll start to see the fun in math, too.
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售價: 194元
作者/ Helen Mortimer
繪者/ Cristina Trapanese
This new series of little books builds children's confidence with mathematical vocabulary and ideas and provides a foundation for learning in a way that feels good. Using carefully chosen words in relatable settings from the world around them, this book creates a moment for children and adults to discover first money words when playing shop.
The engaging art style, fun characters and hardback picture book feel make this series accessible and perfect to share. Written and illustrated by the same winning team as 'Big Words for Little People', this series is special not only because it focuses on maths in a child-friendly way, but also because it's from Oxford, it's packed with educational goodness that helps children develop and grow.
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售價: 260元
作者/ Judith Viorst
繪者/ Ray Cruz
Last Sunday, Alexander's grandparents gave him a dollar -- and he was rich. There were so many things that he could do with all of that money! He could buy as much gum as he wanted, or even a walkie-talkie, if he saved enough. But somehow the money began to disappear... Readers of all ages will be delighted by this attractive new edition of Judith Viorst's beloved picture book.
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售價: 249元
THOSE SHOES/永續城鄉/消除貧窮/消除飢餓
作者/ Maribeth Boelts
繪者/ Noah Z. Jones
每個孩子的心底都有自己夢想中的物品,如同故事裡的男孩,在故事的開頭就述說著: "I have dreams about those shoes. Black high-tops. Two white stripes." 男孩的家境並不富裕,在貧富懸殊的社會裡,即便是生活艱苦如他和奶奶,依然有自己的奢望。睿智的奶奶也告訴他的孩子 "they don’t have room for "want," just "need," 讓孩子看清楚慾望與需要的界線,是需要時間與經驗來理解的。
有一天,Jeremy的舊鞋子壞了,學校專門收留孩子們物品的Mr. Alfrey給了他一雙新鞋,但那雙鞋上上面有可愛圖案,變成為眾多孩子們眼底成為了笑柄,除了Antonio是唯一沒有笑他的人。奶奶帶著Jeremy在回收店找到黑白相間的布鞋,起初真的非常開心,但試穿之後,終究還是差一碼,腳無法自如伸展,顯的緊緊地。即便如此,Jeremy還是想多給些機會試試,看能不能將它穿鬆 ; 大家都知道鞋子過小或過大,不適合就是不適合,只有自己最清楚,而Jeremy竟發現Antonio的尺寸小他一碼,正適合這雙鞋,心裡徘徊著、糾結著,畢竟這是他的dream shoes。
故事的尾聲,Jeremy瞭解到這雙鞋他無法勝任,便靜悄悄地將黑白鞋放在Antonio的門口,送給他; 隔天,在Antonio滿臉的笑意裡,他明白,不屬於自己的總就還是必需離開,去選擇更適合他的主人,更跳脫了慾望的框框,明白施比受更有福的道理。這個溫暖的故事,在冷冷的冬天裡,獻給大家來溫暖。
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售價: 249元
A CHAIR FOR MY MOTHER (媽媽的紅沙發)/消除貧窮
作者/ Vera B. Williams
繪者/ Vera B. Williams
Rosa和媽媽逛完街回家,卻發現熊熊大火正吞噬著他們的家。體貼的鄰居及親戚獻上暖暖的關懷,連番送上吃的、用的、穿的,但是唯獨少了那張媽媽下班後可以歇腳,祖母可以舒適坐在窗邊的大沙發...。小Rosa可以再為媽媽添張大沙發嗎?雖然世事變遷,Rosa家人仍充滿著希望,因為人間處處有溫情! 主題分類:社區關懷/單親家庭/價值觀美德教育
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售價: 249元
作者/ Julie Glass
On a beautiful summer day a young girl sets up a lemonade stand and sells enough cups of refreshment to add up to a dollar. Told in rhyme, this delightful story combines the teaching of addition with a traditional rite of childhood entrepreneurship!
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售價: 138元
IT'S A NO-MONEY DAY社會議題貧窮關心弱勢/消除貧窮
作者/ Kate Milner
繪者/ Kate Milner
Mum works really hard, but today there is no money left and no food in the cupboards. Forced to visit the local foodbank, Mum feels ashamed that they have to rely on the kindness of others, but her young daughter can still see all the good in her day like reading and drawing, and even the foodbank. Maybe one day things will be different but for now together they brighten up even the darkest of days. A moving insight into the sad rise and necessity of foodbanks from the perspective of society's most vulnerable, and an essential book to help develop empathy in younger readers.
作者Kate Milner同時獲得Klaus Flugge Prize和V&A Illustration Awards獎項
代表作: My Name is Not Refugee
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售價: 347元
RAIN SCHOOL/精裝繪本/優質教育/消除貧窮
作者/ James Rumford
繪者/ James Rumford
It is the first day of school in Chad, Africa. Children are filling the road.
"Will they give us a notebook?" Thomas asks. "Will they give us a pencil? Will I learn to read?"
But when he and the other children arrive at the schoolyard, they find no classroom, no desks. Just a teacher. "We will build our school," she says. "This is our first lesson."
James Rumford, who lived in Chad as a Peace Corps volunteer, fills these pages with vibrant ink-and-pastel colors of Africa and the spare words of a poet to show how important learning is in a country where only a few children are able to go to school.
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售價: 553元