• 書號:AFRH2524
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Maribeth Boelts
  • 繪者:
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:7~12歲
  • 規格:15×23cm/平裝/彩色/48頁
  • 出版日期: 2008年
  • ISBN:9780375833939
  • 定價:$140
  • 售價:$111
DOGERELLA SPENDS HER days scratching the fleas and fluffing the tails of her ungrateful stepdog mother and mean stepdog sisters. At night, she dreams of a home where she is loved. In a nearby castle lives Bea, a sweet, slightly spoiled princess whose fondest wish is for a loyal pet to call her own. A dog’s dream and a princess’s wish come true in this funny fairy tale.